Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Will you grab me a box of tissues?

No not for the tear from you raging hormones, for your nose that never seems to stop running. My advice go to your local bulk store and by 2 of the biggest packages of tissues you can get your hands on. Due to pregnancy hormones on your body your nose becomes a faucet. Remember your worse sinus infection or cold? Yea it runs more then that. I would say during my first trimester I went through about 15 tissues before I even got out of bed in the morning.

Adding to your already running nose allergies come into play. If you already suffer from them they will most likely get worse if you never have before your probably going to start feeling them. Talk to your doctor about what meds are safe for you to take but I took Claritin. It worked for me and my doctor told me it was safe for me to take.

My second trimester has been a lot nicer to me as far as the non stop running nose. Even the allergy attacks have gotten few and far between. I'm not complaining though. We'll see what the third trimester brings!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cha Cha Chia!

Have you ever wished for thick beautiful hair? Well your wish has been granted! This little pregnancy "side effect" has its pros and cons. Pros: your hair is now BEAUTIFUL and thick and has amazing shine. Cons: its a knotted ratty mess and now your growing hair in places you haven't before. You lose less hair while pregnant, leaving your locks very full. Although it leaves your hair looking wonderful its also very painful if you don't braid it at night. It took me about 4 months before I found myself at the hair salon getting my hair layered. I spent many hours crying in front of the mirror with my bottle of kids detangler while ripping knots out. OUCH!

But the hair on your head isn't the only hair thats changing. Ever heard of a happy trail on a man? Guess what! Your going to get one all your own except yours doesn't go from the belly button down, oh no that would be to easy. You get to sport one that starts under your breasts all the way down to your pubic area! Along with belly hair that makes you start thinking your going to pass your mans hairy stomach. Look now while you still can because your legs are looking like chewbacca! I have always been one to get away with not shaving for a little while and that shortly turned into lasting only 2 or 3 days.

For your legs you will get to the point where shaving turns into a chore. It takes too long, you have to do it to often but you can still reach them. Veet is safe to use if you want to skip the razor (or you don't trust your man with a razor). Some women will disagree with me that it is not safe to use but its all on your own judgement. Talk to your doctor as I did and go with what they say, try not to listen to online forums too much because everyone has their own opinions on what you can and can't do. As far as that belly hair as hard as it is, don't shave it. Don't pluck it or veet it, just leave it. It will fall out after pregnancy and you will be back to normal. If you touch it now your stuck with it for life!

You will soon get to the "I can't see my legs" stage and then its time to call in reinforcements. Or don't, thats your choice of course. Just make sure if you are someone who trusts your loved one with a razor against your skin (and private areas because you will lose sight of her as well) then maybe bring him in for a lesson before you get too big. I wish you the best of luck with that :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I just want to GO!

Remember what it feels like to go #2 regularly with no problem? Well hold onto those memories because thats all it will be from now on. You know when you get around a group of pregnant women that taking a bowel movement becomes an accomplishment. No matter what you eat it just builds and builds and builds till its 2 weeks later and you still haven't gone.

Ask whomever you would like and Google it even as much as you want and you will find yourself with a list of remedies that "work". I tried everything from warm prune juice to a tsp of olive oil. Take my advice olive oil DOES NOT WORK! If anything it made me even more nauseous and disgusting. Prune juice- didn't help and tasted horrible, warm lemon water- gross and didn't work, pickle juice- nothing (yup I drank it straight from the jar). Coffee, chocolate, everything I feel like I tried it all. All with no success and usually ended with me in the bathroom crying. Consult your doctor about stool softeners, I didn't feel comfortable taking them but if your desperate then you do have options.

Now if you read my recent blog entry about morning sickness you should know there is medicine to make things better. The clouds opened up and there was a creation called Zofran! Gods gift to every pregnant woman... that has one horrible side effect. Constipation. If your morning sickness is under control and you feel like you can take a couple days off it will help your bathroom situation greatly. I thankfully only went 2 weeks straight one time in my first trimester. They tell me its going to come back in the third, I'm not there yet and I'm not looking forward to that if it's true.

Your welcome to try any of the thousands of remedies you will be told about. I wish you tons of luck and hope that you have success in at least something. If you need help though you can talk to your doctor about stool softeners. All I know is when your sitting in the bathroom crying and exhausted from pushing with no luck, I feel your pain girlfriend. Cry it out, scream if you have to. Actually now would be a good time to go punch your husband/boyfriend/baby daddy and yell at him for doing this to you. Cause we all know those hormones are starting to rage!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Plus Sign

It was February just before Valentines day and it had been a week since I felt good. I was so sick to my stomach and it was starting to drive me crazy so off to the drug store we go. My boyfriend and I got home and I went straight to the bathroom. Now you always hear "wait to take the test with your first urine of the day" well I was taking it now no matter what. Bam there it was! I couldn't even set it down yet and there was that plus sign. I opened the door and my boyfriend knew just from the look on my face. From there our journey begins.

A week later I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. Some women don't find out until much later so I pretty much knew from the very beginning. I immediately started reading and researching everything I could. Everything kept saying week 6 is the beginning of the worst with morning sickness. So I prepared myself and went in head first. I will start by saying I never vomited I just felt like it 24/7. I came pretty close quite a few times but I talked myself out of it. With the constant nausea this led me to not wanting to eat anything. In my first trimester I lost 27 pounds total. Losing weight at the beginning is normal (from what the doctor told me) so if you thinking your going backwards your not. Your fine- now take a deep breath.

If your are part of the lucky crowd you won't get any morning sickness at all. You can eat whatever you want and feel like a hundred bucks. Then there's the next level, your nauseous possibly some vomiting but shortly into your second trimester it all goes away. And then the final group, the ones I feel sorry for; the hyperemesis crowd. These ladies have vomiting morning sickness pretty much till they give birth. I don't know how these ladies do it and I give them tons of props because I don't know if I could do it.

My advice to you is to expect sickness and take it one day at a time. Around 14 weeks you will be looking at better days. If not and your in the last crowd 40 weeks isn't really that long... is it? I can't speak for those ladies that struggle with this because I did not. I don't suggest Googleing it unless your well into your second trimester and there is no end in sight otherwise you might scare yourself.

The Beginning

If your stumbling across my blog you are either already pregnant or are thinking about getting pregnant. Whether you have been trying for sometime or this is unplanned, congrats on your pregnancy. If you are thinking about starting to try and you just want some information from one persons perspective and experience while pregnant then good luck to you.

I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with a boy. I will start off by saying the every woman and every pregnancy is different. You could have 10 kids and every single pregnancy will be different. This will be my first baby at the ripe age of 22. This pregnancy wasn't planned but wasn't prevented either, we were just kind of going with the flow. So had I been planning maybe I would have read up on more things and maybe thought more about using birth control.

Now when you first think about pregnancy what do you think of first? Morning sickness, late night cravings, belly bump, swelling up and hormones. Well your on the right track but there is so much more beyond that. How about excess hair growth (in places you never had before), hyperemesis (excess morning sickness), increased discharge, k-9 sense of smell and forgetfulness. Don't remember hearing about these things? Yea neither did I. Everything came as a bit of a shock to me after I got that blue plus sign.

This is my story about my pregnancy. I haven't had it the worst but it hasn't been a cake walk either. I wanted to take the time to share my story and to give a little more information about the things no one talks about. Pregnancy is an adventure and you are either going to enjoy it or not so much. And by not enjoying it that does not make you a bad person. Just in the short 26 weeks I have been pregnant, I have come to realize only 40% of women actual ENJOY being pregnant. Its that amazing bundle of joy at the end that keeps you going everyday. I am very excited to meet my son in October. Remember every pregnancy is different and by writing this I am NOT saying that all of these will happen to you. They may though and if they do you can say that you remember reading about this, and your not going crazy.

I will start from the beginning while also keeping you updated on my current pregnancy. I hope everyone enjoys and again congrats on being pregnant. Welcome to the club :)