Friday, July 13, 2012

The Beginning

If your stumbling across my blog you are either already pregnant or are thinking about getting pregnant. Whether you have been trying for sometime or this is unplanned, congrats on your pregnancy. If you are thinking about starting to try and you just want some information from one persons perspective and experience while pregnant then good luck to you.

I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with a boy. I will start off by saying the every woman and every pregnancy is different. You could have 10 kids and every single pregnancy will be different. This will be my first baby at the ripe age of 22. This pregnancy wasn't planned but wasn't prevented either, we were just kind of going with the flow. So had I been planning maybe I would have read up on more things and maybe thought more about using birth control.

Now when you first think about pregnancy what do you think of first? Morning sickness, late night cravings, belly bump, swelling up and hormones. Well your on the right track but there is so much more beyond that. How about excess hair growth (in places you never had before), hyperemesis (excess morning sickness), increased discharge, k-9 sense of smell and forgetfulness. Don't remember hearing about these things? Yea neither did I. Everything came as a bit of a shock to me after I got that blue plus sign.

This is my story about my pregnancy. I haven't had it the worst but it hasn't been a cake walk either. I wanted to take the time to share my story and to give a little more information about the things no one talks about. Pregnancy is an adventure and you are either going to enjoy it or not so much. And by not enjoying it that does not make you a bad person. Just in the short 26 weeks I have been pregnant, I have come to realize only 40% of women actual ENJOY being pregnant. Its that amazing bundle of joy at the end that keeps you going everyday. I am very excited to meet my son in October. Remember every pregnancy is different and by writing this I am NOT saying that all of these will happen to you. They may though and if they do you can say that you remember reading about this, and your not going crazy.

I will start from the beginning while also keeping you updated on my current pregnancy. I hope everyone enjoys and again congrats on being pregnant. Welcome to the club :)

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