Friday, July 13, 2012

The Plus Sign

It was February just before Valentines day and it had been a week since I felt good. I was so sick to my stomach and it was starting to drive me crazy so off to the drug store we go. My boyfriend and I got home and I went straight to the bathroom. Now you always hear "wait to take the test with your first urine of the day" well I was taking it now no matter what. Bam there it was! I couldn't even set it down yet and there was that plus sign. I opened the door and my boyfriend knew just from the look on my face. From there our journey begins.

A week later I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. Some women don't find out until much later so I pretty much knew from the very beginning. I immediately started reading and researching everything I could. Everything kept saying week 6 is the beginning of the worst with morning sickness. So I prepared myself and went in head first. I will start by saying I never vomited I just felt like it 24/7. I came pretty close quite a few times but I talked myself out of it. With the constant nausea this led me to not wanting to eat anything. In my first trimester I lost 27 pounds total. Losing weight at the beginning is normal (from what the doctor told me) so if you thinking your going backwards your not. Your fine- now take a deep breath.

If your are part of the lucky crowd you won't get any morning sickness at all. You can eat whatever you want and feel like a hundred bucks. Then there's the next level, your nauseous possibly some vomiting but shortly into your second trimester it all goes away. And then the final group, the ones I feel sorry for; the hyperemesis crowd. These ladies have vomiting morning sickness pretty much till they give birth. I don't know how these ladies do it and I give them tons of props because I don't know if I could do it.

My advice to you is to expect sickness and take it one day at a time. Around 14 weeks you will be looking at better days. If not and your in the last crowd 40 weeks isn't really that long... is it? I can't speak for those ladies that struggle with this because I did not. I don't suggest Googleing it unless your well into your second trimester and there is no end in sight otherwise you might scare yourself.

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