Saturday, July 14, 2012

I just want to GO!

Remember what it feels like to go #2 regularly with no problem? Well hold onto those memories because thats all it will be from now on. You know when you get around a group of pregnant women that taking a bowel movement becomes an accomplishment. No matter what you eat it just builds and builds and builds till its 2 weeks later and you still haven't gone.

Ask whomever you would like and Google it even as much as you want and you will find yourself with a list of remedies that "work". I tried everything from warm prune juice to a tsp of olive oil. Take my advice olive oil DOES NOT WORK! If anything it made me even more nauseous and disgusting. Prune juice- didn't help and tasted horrible, warm lemon water- gross and didn't work, pickle juice- nothing (yup I drank it straight from the jar). Coffee, chocolate, everything I feel like I tried it all. All with no success and usually ended with me in the bathroom crying. Consult your doctor about stool softeners, I didn't feel comfortable taking them but if your desperate then you do have options.

Now if you read my recent blog entry about morning sickness you should know there is medicine to make things better. The clouds opened up and there was a creation called Zofran! Gods gift to every pregnant woman... that has one horrible side effect. Constipation. If your morning sickness is under control and you feel like you can take a couple days off it will help your bathroom situation greatly. I thankfully only went 2 weeks straight one time in my first trimester. They tell me its going to come back in the third, I'm not there yet and I'm not looking forward to that if it's true.

Your welcome to try any of the thousands of remedies you will be told about. I wish you tons of luck and hope that you have success in at least something. If you need help though you can talk to your doctor about stool softeners. All I know is when your sitting in the bathroom crying and exhausted from pushing with no luck, I feel your pain girlfriend. Cry it out, scream if you have to. Actually now would be a good time to go punch your husband/boyfriend/baby daddy and yell at him for doing this to you. Cause we all know those hormones are starting to rage!

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